Thursday, April 29, 2010


So, I suppose that time has come for everyone. Recently I have been hearing a lot of news of people (including myself, I suppose) hitting the point of exhaustion, loneliness, frustration, etc that makes home seem like a wonderful option. It´s a very weird feeling. We´ve been here for 3 months, roughly, and I find that the subtle cultural differences weigh more than the obvious, extreme differences. A slight difference in sense of humor makes forced laughing a little more common than I would like, for example. The constant assumption that, as a male, I would take on multiple partners at once is tiring. An underlying assumption that I always have a ton of cash on me is attention I really just dont want. I know the attention is going to stay and it stems from the fact that they honestly just dont know that much about gringos, but I (and many new volunteers, I imagine) am growing very tired of THAT kind of attention. I am ready to carry on a conversation that doesnt somehow slip into money issues or travel opportunites or.... whatever topic along those lines. Also, if any volunteers are reading this, I fully understand the exhaustion and frustration. And I also understand that pull to go home... I just dont think I have given my site a fair chance before that decision should be made. Little by little...


  1. :) Poco a poco amigo. That is exactly what I wrote in my journal this morning...until I really give it my very best try and stick it out a little longer I'm not leaving. Also, a site change is better than going home in a lot of cases. Keep your chin up. i wrote a song that might cheer you up, its funny but i need help finishing it. maybe at the beach, maybe at pst2

  2. Don´t you hate how it´s exactly what we knew was going to happen once in site? I for one really wanted to not fall into the campo blues, but I am so tired of laughing at the same ten jokes every hour, every day.

    It will get better. At least I am pretty sure it will. I hope.

